Launch new website Engels

New Engels Website

In light of the continuous progress and changes, we have decided to give our website a fresh makeover. We are thrilled to announce that our brand-new website is now live. Not only has the website undergone a complete transformation in appearance, but we have also made significant enhancements to its functionality.

Discover our new website with a faster interface, streamlined navigation, and enhanced search functionality. Transform your logistics, warehouse, and waste management with our range. Learn more about our improvements.

New Features and Upgrades
We've refreshed not just the visual identity but also enhanced other aspects. Our navigation structure has been modernised for a smooth user experience, requiring no more than 3 clicks. Our continual push for improvement has led to better discoverability and more information on our revamped website.

Enhanced Speed and Efficiency
We've optimised loading times and streamlined navigation, allowing you to browse faster and more efficiently to find what you need.

Our new website features an intuitive user interface designed to make searching and navigating effortless.

An Even Broader Range
Discover our more extensive range of high-quality products, including plastic bins, pallets, pallet boxes, waste containers, and all bespoke options. Newly added are our charging & sync cases and carts, as well as our wide selection of flight cases.

Website Introduction Discount
To celebrate the launch of our new website, we are offering an introductory discount.

Copy the bold discount code and use it with your order to enjoy a 5% discount on your purchase: PROMOWEBSITE24NL


Enter the Future of Logistics and Environment
We invite you to explore our new website and discover how Engels can assist your business with all matters related to logistics and the environment. Experience it for yourself...