Securing returnable packaging made easy

Engels introduces Clever Lid, a multipurpose lid for multiple-use shipping units.

Originally designed for the post as an alternative to roll cages, now developed into an universally usable cover. Clever Lid is provided with fully integrated retractable straps with an integrated tensioning mechanism, allowing fast and waste-free pallet security. There is no other required packaging material.

Clever Lid is suitable for any type of load, such as, cardboard boxes, plastic containers, pallet boxes, folding walls and steel frames. The cover is applicable to all pallets and available with different fastening hooks (depending on the pallet). In addition, the cover can be sealed and equipped with RFID or other labeling for security of the goods.

Engels supplies the Clever Lid in a 800x600 mm, 1200x800 mm and 1200x1000 mm version. Curious about the usability of the Clever Lid in your logistics process?